Every now and then your website needs a refresh. A redesign can be a huge success, or it could fail terribly. It's a long and tedious process.

That's where this checklist comes into play. Checklists can make your job a whole lot easier. Whether you're working with an agency or redesigning in-house, this checklist will save you from some headaches. 

Download this checklist to learn:WebsiteRedesign_white_paper

  • How a redesign will support (and improve) your overall marketing efforts.
  • What datapoints you will need to develop the best plan.  
  • How to identify which channels you should use to drive traffic and leads. 
  • What common redesign pitfalls to avoid.
  • ...and more!

This is your guide to improving your website.

Complete the form on the right to get your free copy.


website redesign checklist excerpt